Welcome New and Returning Vendors!
On behalf of the 501F Users Group, INC. Board of Directors, welcome and thank you for your interest and support of our Users Group. We are a non-profit 501(c) (6) organization. Our exclusive purpose is to promote the common business interests of Owners/Operators of 501F turbine systems, including but not limited to providing an open forum, through conferences and technological aids, for effective communication, discussion, and information dissemination regarding the operation, maintenance, inspection, troubleshooting, and repair of such systems to maximize equipment performance and reliability.
As such, we welcome vendors who provide goods and or services in support of the above purposes. If your organization does not fit within these broad guidelines, we would be happy to discuss your particular organization via conversation with a member of the board. If you are uncertain of the fit regarding your organization, feel free to register, as that will allow one of our board members to obtain your contact information during the review process and we will reach out to you.
As a matter of process, once you complete the registration it will be sent to one or more of our board members who will review your entries for completeness and for ‘fit’. If you receive a rejection the reason will be clearly outlined, more often than not it is due to incomplete information so please do yourselves and the board a favor and provide complete and full responses on your application during the registration process. Along these lines if you do get a voicemail or email from someone on the board, PLEASE get back in touch with us as soon as you can. If we cannot resolve the issue we are contacting you about, we will not be able to complete your registration and if that happens then you will not receive communications from us on the upcoming conference and will miss a great opportunity.
Vendor Application FAQ
Why do I have to register?
Providing your contact information via registration offers the following benefits;
- The Users Group and our conference coordinators can easily get in touch with you to communicate upcoming meetings and to discuss planning.
- The Users are given access to your contact information in one location so when needed your information is close at hand
I just did this like 3 years ago – do I really have to do it again?
No, you do not have to, but then you run the risk of not hearing about next year’s conference until we are booked up.
I just did this like 3 years ago – why do I have to do this again?
As we continuously work to evolve the group, we of course always reserve the right to get smarter/better. As such, we recently switched domains and websites. In order to ensure the best/freshest data we chose as a board to ask you to re-register.
Do I have to fill out ALL the blanks when I register?
Some are mandatory, but as a rule of thumb, the more information you provide us the higher probability that it may generate business (free advertising) and come on – we all work in power plants where we can never have enough data.
What is Primary/Permanent Marketing Contact?
For some of you, you are the CEO, President, Primary marketing coordinator, chief bottle washer and cook for your company; In that case please insert your name. However, if the rest of the company does not share your opinion of your value, please put in the name of the person who coordinates your conference attendance schedule and/or budgets for conferences.
Why do you want the Primary/Permanent Marketing coordinators information – I am the one who comes to the show every year?
While you are the face we see every year and we’re glad you’re part of our group, and grateful for your support, we also know life happens, and we want to ensure that you don’t miss out on a show because it fell off of your schedule when you got a new computer, or a new phone, etc. This lets us send out information to at least one other person (where applicable) to ensure you get the information. Believe it or not, this happens to a handful of our vendors every year and they end up sad they missed the conference. We do not want anyone sad.
Why do you want our corporate phone number?
Almost every year someone retires, quits or vanishes – our first reaction if we get a bounce back email from you is to pick up the phone. If we cannot get a hold of you, we want/need to contact someone else who may be at your company. It helps us with continuity.
What if something changes next week – like, I hire a marketing person or fire them?
No big deal for us, you can come back and edit your ‘profile’ anytime. You want to add/remove names, numbers, email, etc… all can be done as many times as you wish, so save your username and password! And bookmark the site on your browser or save it as a favorite.
What if I want a few people from my organization to be listed in your database?
They are welcome to register individually or you can place them as an alternate contact in your profile. If you’re a large organization we’d prefer not to have all 100 of your Sales staff be registered individually (no more than a handful) – we have day jobs and volunteer our time to be on the Board, so help us out on that one please.
I cover the (insert your region here) region, but my company just split out our territories and I have 3 other colleagues who cover the other regions now – should I suggest to them that they register?
Of course, that is fine, as we have users who attend our conferences from all over the world. We would however, respectfully suggest you all get together to say have 1 booth at the conference as opposed to 4.
What if I have a question that is not addressed here? How can I get in touch with someone?
Good question – Send us a message through our Contact Us form – please submit that and a board member will reach out to you when able.